We consider a forester ideally placed, its area of work is entirely available for tree planting and the soil is tree-compatible (i.e. not sand). The forester option to gather drywood is unchecked, therefore they only plant trees.
Hardwood and softwood trees share a similar growth-time pattern. Therefore it does not matter which kind of tree is planted. Trees need 6 minutes to reach the next growth stage for a maximum output of 3 logs after 18 minutes. Similar to crops, when a tree needs water, its growth speed does not decrease.
We want to know how many lumbercamp are needed per ideal forester in order to have the most wood production using as few tools/space as possible.
Lumbercamp tuning
The lumbercamp option to gather drywood is unchecked, therefore they only cut trees.
Now, there’s another option in lumbercamp that you can check/uncheck, in order for them to only chop down mature trees (last stage of growth). Villager travel-time aside, it should not matter as you get 1 log in 6 minutes or 3 logs in 18 minutes.
Now, when considering villager travel time :
- Forester planting a tree.
- Forester watering a tree: You can count as roughly doubling the time it takes to plant a tree.
- Lumberjack chopping down a tree (10seconds no matter the growth stage).
- Lumberjack goign to a fallen tree cutting a piece of wood and taking it back to the camp.
When focusing on actions taken in the inner half of the area of work, there’s an average dead-time per tree of :
- 1min15sec from the forester and 10sec from the lumberjack, unrelated to growth stage.
- 45sec from the lumberjack, related to growth stage.
For an ideal forester to lumbercamp ratio, these dead-times are summed up as they don’t overlap with each other. On average, lumberjacks will need 35sec to gather drywood if enabled. One drywood is created when a lumberjack cuts a log.
Which amount to an average production of 0,12 log/min for the all trees option, and 0,14 log/min for mature trees only option, resulting in a rough 15% production increase when lumbercamp are tuned to cut down mature trees only.
Forester to lumbercamp ratio
With timings described previously, we can assume FtoL ratios around:
All trees | Mature trees only | |
Drywood gathering disabled (lumbercamp) | 1.35 | 0.5 |
Drywood gathering enabled (lumbercamp) | 0.9 | 0.33 |
- Building 1 forester for 1 lumbercamp with drywood gathering enabled and tuned to cut all trees will give the best FtoL regarding tools efficiency.
- Building 1 forester for 3 lumbercamp with drywood gathering enabled and tuned to cut mature trees only will give the best FtoL regarding log production.
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